Mini Centrifuges
Mini centrifuges are characterized by their very compact size and limited power. These are typically located at each bench position and are always on call to perform quick spins and other activities related to sample preparation. All of our mini centrifuges are freezer safe and extremely durable.
With valuable bench space. Whether it’s PCR or microtubes, our mini centrifuges keep your samples spinning quietly. It also saves valuable work space.
KETHINK has the perfect solution. Our portfolio of mini centrifuges allows you to maximize your bench space. And provides fast centrifugation of samples in just seconds. We offer mini centrifuges including benchtop mini centrifuges, mini micro centrifuges with 2 rotors, and mini plate centrifuges with PCR plates. You can rely on each of our mini centrifuges to be very high-quality equipment that will operate safely and reliably, while saving workspace and budget.
KETHINK is available in a variety of models. Look for these basic functions:
Benchtop mini centrifuge, low speed 6000rpm
KT-MC6000 benchtop mini centrifuge is a space saving centrifuge ideal for most lab.
Mini spin microcentrifuge, low speed 6000rpm
The KT-MC6000 Mini Microcentrifuge is a personal desktop centrifuge. Specifically designed for rapid centrifugation of micro-samples.
Mini plate spinner centrifuge, 384 well PCR plate
KT-MPC2800 mini plate spinner centrifuge is designed for quick spins of samples in PCR plates.